Group Class Description

Bonnie's Yoga Shala Vinyasa Flow~Shakti Namaskara®

BYSVF a.k.a YogaBliss: represents an achieved synthesis of my dharma. I am grateful for all the things that Yoga has given me, and hope that as many people as possible may share in the blessings that a Yoga practice bestows on those who study it with diligence and faith. After more then 38 years of personal practice,  and over three decades of teaching, preaching, and demonstrating; I am thrilled to have put together a combination of all my life's teachings & experiences into a vinyasa flow style of pure intentions. The synthesis of these teachings are inspired by my beautiful teacher's Sri Dharma Mittra, Tao-Porchon Lynch, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois-Guruji & Sharath, Anna Forest and Duncan Wong. This perfectly delivered intentional vinyasa flow series level I, level II, & level III gives you the Divine body connection and promotes harmony within all the layers, so a concentrated state of radiant health is achieved. Experience great pleasure and delights, appealing to all your body senses, (including the sixth sense) mind, emotions & spirit. There is always some type of Pranayama, Chanting, Sound Vibration leading to Nirvana. In the more advanced classes, perhaps some Tibetan Prostrations and Japa Mantra and many other types of asana movements that are appropriate for the students  who are infront of me on the mat and their abilities at large.

 1 Day a month Seva Yoga (Free or Donation)

Seva is a Sanskrit word meaning selfless service, and perhaps considered the most important part of any spiritual practice. It lies at the heart of the path of karma yoga—selfless action—and asks us to serve others with no expectation of outcome.

This 1 Sunday monthly class is free to all and all are welcome.

The purpose of this class is to make yoga accessible to everyone. Donations will be accepted but are not required. All money raised through donations will be set aside to be used toward class gift certificat for individuals that want to attend classes, but are unable to pay. Thus creating a cycle of love and possibility in our amazing yoga community.

The style of this class will be geared toward the whole being - lengthen & strengthen the physical body through asana, and calm & center the mind with breathwork and meditation. Come together through the movements of vinyasa and mantra.

Sunday Master Classes & 3 Hour Workshops 9:30-12:30 2023

One Sunday a month we dive deep into a special workshops.  Below is a list of the special ones currated for 2023.  
All classes are hosted by Healing Yogini Master Swaha Devi (Rev. Bonnie Ringer)~ MeTso Universal Life Church Minister, CYT, E-RYT 800, Yoga Therapy Practitioner, Natural Psychic Medium &  Spiritual Healing Energy Body Worker, Creator & Founder of  Bonnie's Yoga Shala Flow~Skakti Namaskara®

February 💜 "Learning the Signs to Connect with Your Guardian Angels & Spirit Guides",  

March 🦋 "Yoga & Many Pauses" A  Women Only  Workshop,  

April 🧘‍♀️ "The How Do I Get There, from here?" Master Workshop,  

May 🦄"Mother's Day Special Dedication to Mother Earth and All Her sweet Goddesses"

 June ♡"Father's Day Special Dedication to Heavenly Father and All Strength that goes into being a GOOD DAD",  

July 🔥"Spiritual Depth of Yoga and surrending/ offering our bodies as the Temple it is."

 SUP Liquid YogaBliss: For Summer in NY & Mexico Retreats:  Take a chance and flow with the SUP Liquid Yogabliss & you will fall in love with it the very first time! The whole experience from beginning to end will bE Fun & peaceful. You will definitely want to do it again & again.  I bring my same passion to SUP Liquid YogaBliss that I do on the floor with my Mat! I am so thankful to share with all, Being attentive, calm and resourceful. Recommending modification for every level & everybody! (Will Resumes in the spring/summer  2023)